Getting Serious About Remote Problem Resolution

In talking with several end users and security integrators this week, one thing is clear:  we are facing severe limitations on being able to service and maintain physical security systems.   Many end users are not letting people onsite, and in some parts of the country there are shelter-in-place orders that limit the ability of technicians to do their normal work.  Yet, especially for healthcare and other people working at the frontlines to combat COVID-19, this is a time when they need to know that they and their facilities are secure.  In other words, it’s time for the industry to get serious about using digital connections and automation to ensure security systems are always operating as they should.

Creating a digital connection is the first step.  In the case of Viakoo it’s minimal time and effort – our agent is easy to install (typically on the video recording server) and does not require any data entry or programming to set up.  It’s also secure:  the Viakoo agent requires an outbound-only port and all communication to the Viakoo cloud is encrypted.  Once installed, Viakoo automatically assess the security applications, IT infrastructure, camera devices, and access control panels (enabling a nice side benefit: complete inventory reporting).

With a digital connection, now the power of analytics and automation can be applied to the problem.  Viakoo consistently analyzes metadata (we never look at video or access data), and from that we create a digital twin of the security system.  The digital twin is a virtual replica of that system, and can be analyzed for both immediate issues (e.g.  panel down, camera not recording), and for more subtle issues (e.g. degradation of network paths, storage capacity).  With the digital twin, possible fix-it plans can also be assessed and tested.

Making fixes happen fully remotely may require remote login, or in some cases may need to have someone on the other end of the telephone.  Rebooting a server, reformatting a disk drive, or changing the frame rate on a camera – these often-needed fixes are the type that can be done remotely.  Some fixes do require onsite visits, but ideally these visits can be made more efficient through solutions like Viakoo where the technician goes in knowing what the root cause of failure is.

In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many changes to how to work and manage responsibilities.  If you are responsible for ensure physical security systems are working properly, now is the time to learn how solutions like Viakoo can help you perform those duties remotely.  Sign up at and one of our customer success team will help you get setup with either a demo or to help with a specific situation.  At Viakoo we’re committed to helping our end users and integrator partners in these tough times; we plan to announce in the near future additional ways to stay secure in challenging times like now.

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